Reclaim Your Relationship With Technology

A series of quick wins designed to help reclaim your relationship with technology.

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Is this course right for you?

Drowning in notifications?

Can't keep up with the constant nagging of your phone? We help eliminate the onslaught of notifications, so that you only deal with what's necessary.

Stressed out by social media?

Are social media apps stealing your focus and energy throughout the day? We'll help manage your relationship with these platforms, and the stress they create.

Feel like your phone owns you?

Is your phone a constant source of stress? This course is designed to give you the tools to take control of your devices and get them to work for you.

Course Overview

For all the amazing improvements modern technology gives us, it is sometimes difficult to notice, and manage, the negative effects that can come from having such powerful devices near us all the time. In this course we share the tools necessary for becoming less distracted by technology, being more present with the people in your life, and taking back the most valuable resource you have - your time.

Personal improvement is often a journey of many small steps, which is why our series of weekly quick-wins are aimed at creating easily integrated changes anyone can make that will have a lasting, positive impact on their life.

How this course works

This course is divided into short, actionable lessons that teach you how to make meaningful improvements to your life.

Each lesson takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is delivered via email on Mondays and Fridays.

Every lesson follows the same structure:

  • Why the topic is important to you
  • How you'll take action on the lesson
  • What Single Action you'll take based on the topic

This Technology Quick Wins course will last 30 days, and you'll receive a new email on Mondays and Fridays at 7:00 am Central Time.

Course Lessons

10 minutes per lesson. Two Lessons per week for 30 days.

1. Do Not Disturb

2. Notifications

3. Web Browsing

4. Night Mode

5. App Purge

6. Auto Voicemail

7. Streamline Your Homescreen

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Alumni Testimonials

Quest Codex's intentional product design is unlike anything I've seen before 🤩 - seriously check 'em out.

– Caryn Tan, Psychological Safety Consultant
Courses like this help keep you on track to ensure you’re regularly putting in the time to remind yourself of good habits and maintain focus on improving your mental well being.

– Michael Fourré, Software Engineer

Quest Codex is free and community funded.

Created by Isaac Lien

Quest Codex was created by Isaac Lien, a technology founder and entrepreneur. Isaac developed the idea for Quest Codex as a freshman in college while he was pursuing a Computer Information Systems degree while simultaneously co-founding the tech company GrandPad. In order to effectively prioritize his goals and manage stress, he developed the tools utilized in our courses to remain focused and energized while accomplishing his ambitions and scaling GrandPad to over 1 million users in 120+ countries.


What was the inspiration for this course?

The inspiration for this course was the constant distraction Quest Codex creator, Isaac Lien, faced from his phone.

What is this course about?

This course aims to be an antidote to the constant assault modern technology wages on our attention.

We'll teach you was to "turn down the background noise" caused by your phone and devices, so that you can be more in-the-moment, and can focus on the things that matter most.

How much does this course cost?

Quest Codex courses are free and community funded. Just enter your email below to sign up.

How long does this course take to complete?

This course takes 30 days to complete. You will be emailed two lessons per week, on Mondays and Fridays.

How much time should I expect to spend on this course each week?

Each lesson takes 10 minutes or less. You'll receive two lessons per week.

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